Saturday, December 11, 2010

Blogging Spaz

Seriously, I've got to be the biggest one ever! I can never figure out which direction I want to go with this particular blog. Do I make it a professional show case and center it around all things media and advertising, or do I talk about myself and my life?

Here are the problems with both:

1. All things advertising: I don't have the time to go find cool things! Maybe next semester when my only journalism class isn't Law and Ethics. At the current moment I have, what? less than 5 posts?

2. Me me me, and me: I am generally not comfortable talking about myself, and I can't shake the idea of blogging as narcissistic. But then again, that's just me. Being that I am of sound mind and body and self-aware only child, my whole life I've been fighting the stereotype that goes along with that (so far, I like to think I've done well). Most of my friends blogs are about travel...haven't been able to do that in a while, and the West Point travel days are over. Seriously wish I had caught on to this then, those would be some interesting posts to read again. Other majority of blogging activities seem to be about weddings....of which I am definitely not doing right now nor anytime in the immediate future (Alex, take no offense you know I love you :) ). So what else is there to blog about? Who would really care to read about my random maybe mundane activities?

I am at an impasse. Bright side...I wrote a post!